Self-Esteem and Self-Worth: Your Path to Personal Growth

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram Cultivating self-esteem and self-worth is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth that lays the foundation for a positive self-image. In a world where external influences often shape our perceptions of ourselves, it becomes crucial to embark on this transformative path to build a strong and resilient sense […]
5 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram In today’s largely independent world, it has almost become a necessity to take care of ourselves. We do not always have people around us who would readily take care of us. This is an extremely challenging task, especially for early adults who are moving to college or starting […]
The Procrastination Trap

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram Have you ever put off that one nerve-wracking assignment for the very last day? Or have you experienced working on an assignment for an entire week, still not being satisfied with it and making changes till the deadline even though you could have submitted it early? Welcome to […]
The Silent Struggle: How Toxic Masculinity Takes a Toll on Men’s Mental Health

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram “Man up”, “Boys don’t cry”, and “Boys will be boys” might seem harmless when used to encourage or motivate young boys. However, the significant impact of such phrases on young boys’ minds is amplified in the later teenage years as well as adulthood. These phrases are the epitome […]
Conquer Procrastination: Proven Strategies and Techniques to Boost Productivity

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram Procrastination is a common challenge that has the potential to hinder our progress and productivity. It often stems from various underlying factors and manifests in different ways. While procrastination may provide temporary relief from stress or discomfort, it can have negative consequences. It can lead to increased stress […]
Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram Emotional health – a term many of us are unaware of, is one aspect of mental health. It is the ability to accept and manage our feelings and emotions under different circumstances. It plays a significant role in our overall health and well-being. An emotionally healthy individual is […]
Impact of Type1 Diabetes on Mental Health

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram Diabetes Mellitus (commonly known as Sugar) is a metabolic disorder characterized by higher-than-normal blood glucose level. It results from defects in insulin secretion, insulin inaction or both. There are two main types of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. In this article, I’m specifically going to talk about […]
Accepting the Change, but Mindfully!

Share This Story Facebook-f Twitter Linkedin-in Instagram As the lockdown period increases, people who were earlier managing/handling their worries somehow are losing their patience too. This is indeed a testing period for everyone. However, there is a need to realize that coping skills/ mechanisms should be imbibed in us rather than using them only during […]